Monday, December 1, 2008

My holiday, friends and family.

I remember when I was young, six years old or so. I was all excited and naive about being a teenager.

"I can't wait till I'm a teenager, I'll hang out with my friends all day during holiday, it should be fun! Not bored like this!" I said to myself.

Now that I am 16, it has been weeks since I last heard news from my friends. I am bored to death. Losing my mind. Yet, still no word. No morning message asking;


None. Just silence. Once my phone ran out of power for a whole day, when I recharged them back, I expected to see loads and loads of messages. Yet still, just silence!

I spent most my day practicing piano. Online, chat with the same person everyday. Hot stories? Gossips? NONE. Just silence.

Here I am typing desperate for a friend. I have no friend at home. My family consist of mature adults and immature toddlers only. They are so lame. They talk either politics or cartoons. Perez Hilton? Facebook? Harry Potter? Twilight? Dream on. I feel different in this family. I feel like George O'Malley. It doesn't matter if you see your family as your friend. But the truth is, they're not your friend, they're your F-A-M-I-L-Y. They have something in common with you. You didn't get to debate because you share the same thing.

It's different with a friend. You have something in common at the same time you get to debate. Which brings you closer together because you both were trying to read each other's mind. That's the challenge I WANT!

I just need a friend. Why issit soooooo hard to ask. Damn it.