Wednesday, November 12, 2008

porn room, squeezing, nice ;)

I've been meaning to post this story for awhile now, but you know.. I have exams and all, so yeahh. Anyway today’s event kind of motivated me to write. But I’m gonna write it short. I’m outside right now, freezing in the cold rain. HAHA. KETARA WAH KAN MENCARI FREE WIRELESS AHH. HAHA.

You don’t believe me? Ask the dishes. HAHA.

So, let’s start with Abg Boy picking me up from school at 3 today. We listened to podcast. HAHA. One the DJ called “he who never speaks” was kind of stupid. You know he’s there. But you never heard a word from him. HAHA. I mean it, NEVER. HAHA.

So, I arrived at the Health Promotion Center. It’s a new building supposed to be opened tomorrow. Well, the Sultan’s coming so I suppose it is. Then Abg Boy and I went to the gallery.

When I first entered the gallery the first thing I tried was the circle -kind of like fitting room. Blue one is for men and pink one is for women. Abg Boy told me to go to the pink room cos the blue room has testicles in it. I know, weird right.

So, I went inside the pink room.

It was tiny. It has television playing educational program. And three models of breasts. I called it the ‘PRON ROOM’. HAHA. You can actually squeeze them and find out what’s wrong with them. It was kind of hilarious. But I took it seriously.

After few perverted minutes I decided to get out of the room. My educational perspective suddenly changed when I saw the blue room. I wonder what’s in it. I remember Abg Boy told me there are testicles in it. I wonder if they are squeeze-able. HAHA. For me I think it’s normal for women to squeeze breast. BUT MEN SQUEEZING TESTICLES? That’s gay. HAHA.

Hm, I wonder if they have penis too? DUIIIII. Kana curi tia. Jadi dildo or something. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Or jadi ‘blow-job’ room. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ladies, you’ll never know what men are up to these days.. Sighhh..

Then we went to the womb room and experience what it felt like to be in mother’s tummy. It was dark, comfortable and BISING. Ironically we have television inside mother’s womb. Plasma lagi tu. Inda ku ingat ada plasma tv di parut mummy ku ehhhhh!

Anyway, I wore weight jacket and experience what it felt like to be 10 kg fatter. It was…. Okay. Inda jua membari ijap sangat.

After few try outs we decided to go back to Abg Boy’s office the resource center.

That’s when we saw two chairs outside the office.

Abg Boy: What do you think NA? You think they look good outside?

Me: Errr… They’re okayyy

Abg Boy: Turn on your queer eye!

I gave the chairs a definite look. I called it THE GLARE. Makin sipit tia mataku macam si Cat. Jadi Siti Sipit tia ku.

And then Abg Boy laughed. He said it was kind of funny that I turned on my queer eye. HAHA. Must be my sipit eyes. HAHA.

So, I guess that’s it. We went home at 7PM! GILA ESUK EXAM! :S