Tuesday, July 29, 2008

earth killer list

I am in despair. Why?

It all started with a promise.

A teacher, made me promise to use recycling bag given by Brunei's Environmental Dept, and of course, as one of the most environmental person at school I have to set example to the others.

So today is Pay day. I went to one of the supermarket in Sengkurong known as SKH (that shop is not environmental friendly, obviously one of the earth-killer agent). GOD, I HATE THAT STORE.

ANYWAY, here's what happened to my sister and I,

Me: Boleh jangan pakai plastic? Pakai bag ani saja

Cashier: Bah

*punch-punch price tags*

Cashier: Bah, pakai PLASTIC ani dulu ah? Masukkan dalam BAG. Karang di bawah kamu ngusai-ngusai (what she's trying to say is karang kena tangkap or whatever, BUT DOYYY, BAGI PULANG RESIT BUDUHHHH!!!!!! AGHHHHHHH! PALUI! SIAL!)

Me: *silence, in shock* Bah jangan tah masuk kan dalam bag ah. PEDAH JUA KAN, PAKAI PLASTIC JUA MASIH.

So, SKH broke my heart. Such a turn off. Baik pulang Giant or Supa Save tu. At least they have the heart to save this planet. UNLIKE THE DIM WITTED STORE.

SKH, is now on my list. EARTH-KILLER LIST.