Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm a liar and I love it :)

Got this from Mamalir, she didn't tag me. i just feel like wanna write 10 things about myself:

1) I made out with Amalia once, my god she's horrible ;)

2) I join the cadet because I wanna meet woman with muscles (and make fun of them to make them feel uneasy) ;)

3) I think Zac Effron is gay.

4) I hate shopping at Giant.

5) I wanna marry my best friend because I hate meeting someone new.

6) I smoke whenever I feel stress.

7) I think religion should be something physical not spiritual.

8) I love kids.

9) I wanna go to science-related school not film school.

10) I AM A LIAR, and you just read my lies :)
