Monday, December 17, 2007

potato and ginger has the same genes.

let me tell you the story of potato and ginger.

first of all, potato means ubi and ginger means halia in Malay.
if you still don't know what it is, maybe these pictures can help you.

this is a potato.

and gingers.

By just reading the names and looking at those pictures, you can just spot the difference right away right?

so here's how the story started. i am a bit fussy when it comes to food. i don't share them, i don't throw them, etc. until this fateful day.

my sister (she's a chef having her 10 days of holidays) and I were at the kitchen. she was preparing things to cook for lunch. and I, of course the girl who sometimes hate Asian's food trying to cook my own western food. which is MASHED POTATO.

I love the idea of dicing my own food, from onions to potato. I just love them. Somehow, to me the food looks tastier that way. HAHAH. Anyway, my sister diced lots of gingers because she wanted to cook for the whole family and I who loves mashed potato also diced lots of potatoes.

After finished dicing my potatoes I boiled them inside the microwave-oven while cooking the gravy. I did everything from A to Z. and at last I have my mashed potato. I have to admit, the smell was a bit different when my potatoes came out from the oven. but whatever. I figured that since I'm not a chef, of course the cooking taste horrible right?

I placed my gravy on my hotly-mashed potato and guess what happened when I ate them?

Me: *makes funny face*
Kaka Yu: Kenapa eh? *tastes my mashed potato*
Kaka Yu: HAHA. Talur. Halia jua yang kau masak ani bukannya Potato. HAHA.

okay-okay, I accidentally took the wrong plate when I wanted to boil the potato inside the oven.
But, i just don't see any difference BETWEEN POTATO AND GINGER WHEN YOU PEEL AND DICED EM' OFF. do you??
diced potato

diced ginger

that's it. I QUIT cooking.


O said...

Mmmm..mashed ginger! Keep cooking and using that nose and I'm sure you'll find more of the world to hate:) Thanks for your story, I'll think of it next time I mash the spuds, Owen